Wednesday 24 March 2010

Pester Power

Pester power is the power children have, by repeated nagging, of influencing their parents to buy advertised or fashionable items. (good times)

Children have long been able to influence what their parents bought on their behalf, by making it easier for the parents to give in than to endure relentless badgering. Parents nowadays are now more likely to take a child's demands seriously, whereas in earlier times they were expected to be satisfied with whatever they were given. Also, the increased pressure on parents to work longer hours has led to a society that in increasingly cash rich and time poor, which makes it a more attractive option to buy their way out of the time-consuming task of fending off demands.

A great way for marketers to promote their products and sell them is y advertising to children. If children like something and want it they will pester their parents so much until they get it (me and my dad went through a lot of that). even if children have some of their own money saved up they will still try and get their parents to buy things for them just for fun to see what happens.
Even when promoting Holiday destinations marketers do sometimes target children to convince their parents to take them there. Most of these adverts are done on TV and the Internet because these are the main soures children use nowadays.

This adverts was a great way to encourage children to come to the resort it tryed to connect with the kids though the use of cartoon characters from Disney such as Mickey Mouse and dragons, pirates and cars. This makes the kids want to come and force their parents to take them. (A nightmare for most parents)

Saturday 20 March 2010


Family is important to most people and is normally classed as one of the biggest, if not the biggest and most important value. A family could be described differently as a Nuclear family, Extended family etc.

Nuclear Family - father, mother & children who live together
Extended Family - nuclear family plus other relatives such as grandparents, aunts etc.
Family of Orientation - the family you are born into
Family of Procreation - the family founded through marriage

The whole family plays a huge part in most purchasing decisions, such as moving homes. The biggest decisions most often are done as a family, for example planning a family holiday every member of the family would get a chance to say where they want to go and all have to agree before the holiday can be booked. Businesses have to createsomething for everyone for example if the children want to go to a place with water slides and roller costers the parents would want a place to themself so businesses will have to creat something for all.

Field (1969) identified three dimensions to determine relative influences of husband, wife, child -
discernment or technical know how
price - expensiveness - who pays
satisfaction - who uses

The advert above is a great choice for a holiday for kids because they have all the freedom they want in the water what everthey want. However it doesn't look like theres much for the parents to enjoy except watching their kids jumping in the water and having a good time (what else cold they ask for?).

This advert is pefect for the family as it gives the family the chance to pick the kind of holiday they want which the whole family can enjoy, its like creating your own perfect holiday like the ad suggests.

It is said that 80% of UK purchasing decisions are made by women but 83% of 'creatives' are men. This basically means that women make decisions which may benefit the whole family but aren't very fun such as buying a 7 seater car for the family instead of buying a sports car like the husband would want.

This is what the purchasing of a family would look like generally, the wife would want things that would benefit the whole family such as a dishwasher and the husband and children would want things that would benefit them such as a colour TV and games consoles.

Thursday 11 March 2010


Beliefs of a person or social group in which they have an emotional investment either for or against something.
"Values are our ideas about what is desirable". Wilkie

I think values are something which we hold to be important to us and strive to keep a hold off. different people have different values which are important to them even if they are similar to others they have their own uniqness in them. Many people hold family as an important value for them and is of great importance, some may think freedom is an important value.

A husband and wife may believe that their home is of great importance to them and believe it holds great value to them. Marketers can take full advantage of this and try and target people through the use of improving their homes. Since its the wife's decision theres always an improvement needed as they dominate the home.

This advert is great as it is targeting the dominant figure in the home which is the wife (don't know why). This advert from Ikea would definately get women interested and wanting to improve their home. This is showing that women are the dominant figures in the home (the ones that wear the pants) and by targeting them they will fall for it.

People also value their lives through fun and enjoyment some may say "we only lives once so why not enjoy life". so they try to fulfil this and consider it as a high value aspect of their life next to their family.

The ad below just shows how some people can avoid boredom and just have fun.

This ad was pretty funny with the lady just having a laugh with the man next to her in the other car. this was an antiboredom campign ad done in Romania. this was just a bit of fun which people hold as a value.

Sunday 7 March 2010


Memory is basically remembering something you may have seen or heard in the past. For example we see many adverts on T.V. everyday but honestly how much do we remember how brains don't like storing all the information so only keeps the important ones we need, or the ones that looked cool and leave a lasting impression even if we don't like some adverts they leave an impression from how it is portrayed and make us implant that into our brains and keep them there.
“Every time an advertisement or commercial appears, the objective is to have the reader or viewer learn something …. and remember what he learned “ (Britt 1955)

every advert has to have something that draws the viewer in such as music or the images or videos used, because if they don't know one will remember it (unless your sad). People need something that will make them go 'WOW' that was great, something that makes them want to buy the product.

Below is a perfect way of dragging the attention of customers through music and the video.

When this video first came out and i saw it on T.V. I thought it was fantastic, Cadbury had really out done themselves this time it was just pure brilliance in my opinion. This was a great advert as it used grat music and the video itself was great it stayed in the minds of many people. It was released in 2007 and 3 years on and I still remember it like it was yesterday. Now when ever I hear the music i think of this ad and i want the chocolate.

An advert that many people liked but always got on my nerves is the Compare the Meerkat, many people thought it was great i though it was ok but not my type of ad, however saying that its still stuck in my head as it made a long lasting impression which the marketers may have intended.
Below is the ad for the Meerkat, make your own opinions about it.

This advert did really get its point across as people remember the Meerkat always saying (I hate it). Also it is a unique advert i haven;t seen many like which is a good thing as it getss people thinking and remembering it.

Nostalgia is a bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past. It is the desire to return to ones past, homeland or to family and friends.
“Nostalgia has been described as a bitter-sweet emotion, where the past is viewed with both sadness and longing.” (Solomon, 2000)

Below is an old Lion Bar commercial which some may remember.

Some people may still remember this advert with the king of the jungle the Lion and his own chocolate. showing this advert may have some nostalgia to it as when people see the advert and the chocolate it may bring back some memories of the chocolate and the 'good old days'.

The use of music is also a great way to create a nostalgic memory, as it brings back memories of your past and how much fun it use to be. For me this is a powerful technique as hearing music takes me back to my younger days. For example the song The Son of Man by Phil Collins whenever I hear that it makes me remember the movie Tarzan (the cartoon version obviously) it takes me a long way back and makes me change my mood to calm and excited at the same time.

The above clip just proves how awesome the old days were, the days we won't get back and will always miss. Brings up great memories just talking about it.
The smallest detail of things can bring up memories for a person and make them remember how they used to be like and make them want to go back.

Friday 5 March 2010

Groups and Peer Pressure

A group is two or more individuals who share the same custom, have role relationships, and experience interdependent behaviors. These guys can be considered close friends or a family.

The groups we choose influence our behaviour and what we learn, we leave it to them to help us decide what we should do and in some cases how we should live our lives. when join a group they each have their own membership criteria and actions (maybe also a 'recruitment and selection program').

During the lecture we discussed what the main groups are in society. One that was spoken about was the Burberry group. This is normally compared to ‘Chavs’, who are stereotypically young rough person in the UK.

Everyone has a group they belong in as people don't want to be alone and don't want to become social outcasts so they try to fit in and do what others tell them to do so they can stay in the group. the above picture shows a group of 'Chavs' doing their thing trying to look cool (its not working) they socialise the most because they have no job and have nothing better to do. When people are in groups they tend to want to enjoy themselves more and spend more money. This is really beneficial for marketers because they would then target people in groups and maybe offer discounts if people come in large groups just to tempt people into coming and using their services or products. Humans are social animals and need to interact with other people, this is shown in the image below.

There are many different groups out there that people would like to assosciate themselves with not just 'Chavs' (normally criminal organisation, but can still be considered a group). This is where a lot of peer pressure takes place and the members of the group are pressured into doing things so they can stay in the group and considered one of them.

Back in the olden days there were many different groups people assosciated themselves with including (huge groups) the Mafia (maybe not relevant).

There are certain groups that we may not want to belong in Chavs being one. A famous brand that came out was Levis, they intended to target young people with their jeans however the older generation of people such as Jeremy Clarkson and others started to wear these jeans which meant that the younger generation did not want to be associated with them.

Below is an advert Levis created way back in 1991 (I was 1 years old, damn.... where getting old) the advert had the famous Levis jeans being advertised by a young and up coming actor in Brad Pitt.

This advert shows just why Levis was so big way back in the olden days. Now this may be a reason why so many olden people wear these jeans and have their own groups.