Wednesday 24 March 2010

Pester Power

Pester power is the power children have, by repeated nagging, of influencing their parents to buy advertised or fashionable items. (good times)

Children have long been able to influence what their parents bought on their behalf, by making it easier for the parents to give in than to endure relentless badgering. Parents nowadays are now more likely to take a child's demands seriously, whereas in earlier times they were expected to be satisfied with whatever they were given. Also, the increased pressure on parents to work longer hours has led to a society that in increasingly cash rich and time poor, which makes it a more attractive option to buy their way out of the time-consuming task of fending off demands.

A great way for marketers to promote their products and sell them is y advertising to children. If children like something and want it they will pester their parents so much until they get it (me and my dad went through a lot of that). even if children have some of their own money saved up they will still try and get their parents to buy things for them just for fun to see what happens.
Even when promoting Holiday destinations marketers do sometimes target children to convince their parents to take them there. Most of these adverts are done on TV and the Internet because these are the main soures children use nowadays.

This adverts was a great way to encourage children to come to the resort it tryed to connect with the kids though the use of cartoon characters from Disney such as Mickey Mouse and dragons, pirates and cars. This makes the kids want to come and force their parents to take them. (A nightmare for most parents)

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